
Ruth Landau

Ruth Landau
Fryer’s Towing
Daytona Beach, Florida

Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.

Ruth is well known in the industry, serving in multiple roles for a variety of groups. As the President of the PWOF Women’s Group, she is instrumental in organizing and focusing the women’s group on fundraising for the support of PWOF.

Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.

Ruth is one of several very active PWOF members who serve on the legislative committee. She is often found in Tallahassee during the FL Legislative session, speaking with legislators and lobbying to protect towing companies in Florida.

How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?

Through both WTRAA and the Women of PWOF, she continually mentors younger towing operators – both women and men. She is a vibrant speaker willing to share her victories and losses as education for those coming up in the industry.

What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?

PWOF Director at Large for many years
President of PWOF Women’s Group – hosts of the PWOF Ladies
First VP of WTRAA
Active member of TRAA – served as various committee chairs
Previous member of ITRHFM board


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