TRAO is a not for profit, statewide association which was established by dedicated men and women who realized that one company could do little to alter the direction of their industry or to change many of the inequities that their industry must endure. The objectives of TRAO are to provide a means for unified effort in the solution of problems, and the administering of such action that may be deemed necessary for the betterment of the Towing Industry. To further the effectiveness of our association, TRAO needs your support. The more united we are, the stronger and more successful TRAO will be in assisting you as a member and the Towing Industry as a whole. Decisions are being made every day in government and our own industry that affect your ability to make a profit. You can’t afford not to belong to TRAO. By completing an application, you will be aiding your industry and your livelihood as you become one of the industries policy makers through your membership of TRAO. Become a PRO . . . Join TRAO.