
trao Sep 28, 2018
Rene Fortin
Rene Fortin
New Hampshire Towing Association/Conference of Northeast Towing Associations
Manchester, New Hampshire
Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.
As president of the NHTA Rene composes a monthly letter in the associations newsletter, arranges speakers for the monthly meetings on a variety of topics concerning all aspects of the towing industry with an emphasis on safety. His favorite tagline is “We all want to go home to our families every night.” He also organizes and runs a yearly tow show where demonstrations of recoveries are presented showing the latest and safest techniques the industry has to offer. Rene brings together leaders from different departments outside of the towing industry for ideas to benefit the industry as a whole; i.e., insurance agents, financial advisors, legislators, police, etc.
Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.
In his capacity of president Rene has promoted the “Moveover” campaign for emergency vehicles, been involved in Traffic Incident Management with the state police, as well as, working towards the certification of all wrecker operators. He continually brainstorms with law enforcement, state legislators, towing personnel, and others for ways to increase safety in the towing industry.
How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?
Rene continually looks for young leaders through CNTA, inviting them to meetings and trying to foster their interest in the associations. He brings speakers of interest to NH and CNTA meetings in hopes of reaching out to younger tow operators.
What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?
Rene has been the president of the New Hampshire Towing Association (NHTA) for over 35 years, a founding member and current president of the Conference of Northeastern Towing Associations (CNTA) which includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.. CNTA has become progressive bringing in speakers that are impacting the towing industry such as Federal DOT, OOIDA, etc. In addition, he was active in TRAA for years prior to helping organize CNTA.