
trao Sep 28, 2018
Kenny Pence
Kenny Pence
Ken’s Towing, Pence Towing
Ozark, Arkansas
Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.
Has sponsored several training sessions with Wreckmaster and other training organizations. Years ago with the Ross Kinman, and the Bill Jackson videos. Is currently a 6/7 with Wreckmaster
Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.
Set up a TIMs training for all local first responders (traffic Incident management). Held cross training classes with local fire and ems.
How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?
Ken’s Towing takes in three high school seniors every year, puts them on payroll to teach them about the industry, the shop and how safety is number one top priority in the shop and around equipment. Has had zero work place injuries in 40 years. Also employs two sons and one daughter since high school. Very involved in his local community functions. Works with Fred Mullins, the local emergency management official in his community.
What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?
Kenny has been an area director for the Professional Towing and Recovery Association of Arkansas western district for the past 8 years.