
trao Sep 28, 2018
John Sora III
John Sora III
Sora’s Towing
Milford, Ohio
Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.
Like many others, John grew up in the business. He carries well over 40 years of knowledge and to this day remains a very reputable business in the community and the industry. You will often find him at local police department meetings being the voice of reason for the rest of his peers.
Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.
A local department had implemented a rate change which drastically reduced the permissible charges allowed for police ordered towing. John happened to be one of the towing providers. While the rest of the group was very distraught and ready to walk away, John used calm, logical discussion with the department as well as offering to show them WHY their rate change would be crippling to towers. In the end, John’s voice was heard and everyone walked away happy.
How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?
John’s success story says everything about him. If you knew him, you would know that his family is everything to him. John works alongside his daughter Liz and his brothers John, Tom and Jim. The entire Sora family will do anything for anybody. When I think of a true success story, I look at them. I believe they have taught younger operators that with hard work, patience, understanding and a lot of passion, you can do anything.