
trao Sep 28, 2018
Jimmy Collins
Jimmy Collins
Casper’s Wrecker Service
Greenville, Tennessee
Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.
Mr. Collins is an excellent towing company owner with 11 employees that regularly receive training to maintain best and safest practices. He recently opened Casper’s Environmental and has not only used his equipment and knowledge to clean up spilled containments during his own jobs but has been helping other towing companies handle spill issues during their accident scenes. Mr. Collins has also held several classes at his facility, some conducted by the American Towing & Recovery Institute. He has invited local towing companies to attend even though they were competitors.
Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.
Mr. Collins has held several office positions within the Tennessee Tow Truck Association. He was instrumental in growing this small, struggling Association into a solid viable group that has hired a lobbyist who represents them in Nashville. He has assisted in growing the Tennessee Tow Show providing a platform to recruit new members and provide owners/operators a place to network and exchange ideas.
How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?
Mr. Collins is continually recruiting younger owners and operators such as Evan Mealer to be a part of the Tennessee Tow Truck Association and ensure it’s future.
What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?
Mr. Collins has been President, Past President and is recently Secretary of the Tennessee Tow Truck Association. He also a member TRAA and the International Towing Museum.