
Harry “Bud” Rogers

Harry “Bud” Rogers
Bud’s Towing and Recovery
Cortland, Ohio

Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.

Always willing to lend a helping hand in any situation.

Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.

Bud has been a shining example of the laws in partnership with the Ohio State Patrol of “Click it or Ticket” and “Slow down mover over.”

How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?

Bud has stepped up to any questions people have asked as long as people are willing to listen and understand. Being in business for over 40 years, the man has seen things people would never dream. He knows what he wants when it comes to building his trucks which makes him always imitated but never duplicated.

What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?

Bud is not politically motivated but he served on the board for the PTO as Sargent at arms for one or two years. Bud would rather be in the field than sitting behind a table or desk.


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