
trao Sep 28, 2018
Bill Gratzianna
Bill Gratzianna
O’Hare Towing
Chicago, Illinois
Give an example of how nominee has shared expertise with fellow tow operators.
In 2001, Bill and his wife, Marci, purchased O’Hare Towing from Road One. Having been raised in a towing family by industry-minded parents Jack and Gail Gratzianna, Bill has continued that industry-mindedness while creating one of the largest and well-run towing companies in the U.S. Today O’Hare four locations and a salvage yard. Bill has pushed O’Hare to be on the forefront of changes in the industry, offering diesel repair facilities, an Airplane Recovery Team, and a Certified Dive and Underwater Recovery Team in addition to towing and recovery.
Bill is on round 2 as the President of the International Towing and Recovery Museum and has broadened the Museum’s scope and reach while in office. He has also served as Vice President of the Professional Towing and Recovery Operators of Illinois. Along with this he has been a member of the Towing and Recovery Association of America, The Wisconsin Towing Association, and The Illinois Trucking Association. Bill and O’Hare Towing are widely recognized for their television show, “Wrecked”. Bill’s primary reasoning for the show was making the public aware of what he and other operators do every day, with the hopes someone would watch the show greater restraint in their driving while operators are on the side of the road. In 2008, Bill and Marci were presented the TRAA National Citizenship Award for their contributions to the Towing and Recovery Industry. Bill has also been honored as American Towman of the Year in 2012. Bill is an advocate for training and certification of his crew and requires all operators to become TRAA certified within 60 days of employment, Bill currently is a TRAA Nationally Certified Level Three Operator.
Outside of the Towing Industry, Bill is actively involved in other activities including participating in his Church’s Fathers Golf Outing and Church Bird Hunt but also for the last 25 Years has been the head of the Church’s Annual Christmas Tree Lot. Bill is also a proud lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and spends any free time he has fishing and hunting.