
trao Sep 28, 2018
Belinda Harris
Belinda Harris
Ray Harris Towing & Hauling
Greensboro, North Carolina
Provide details of at least one instance when the nominee has effected positive change in the industry.
Belinda served on numerous board positions before becoming President of the Towing and Recovery Professionals of North Carolina from 1988 -1990, where she continues to serve in leadership positions. During her terms, she, along with the committee members have accomplished adding towers to the “mover over” law and passing a bill that afforded towers the ability to tow tractor-trailer combinations up to 50 miles legally. She was the driving force behind the Title 11 Administrative Code which stops insurance companies from abandoning vehicles on the towers of North Carolina. In 1988 Belinda authored an “Abandoned Car Disposal Guide” that was approved by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.
How has the nominee served as a role model or mentor to younger tow operators?
She is a past President of WTRAA and past Chairwoman of the WTRAA Scholarship Committee. For over twenty years, she along with the committee were responsible for awarding over $110,000 in scholarships to our deserving young industry leaders. Her passion for the industry and the scholarship fund led her to form “B’s Hope”! She takes the items from vehicles that are abandoned at the company and sells them donating the money to the WTRAA Scholarship Fund and urges others to do the same!
What leadership roles within the industry has the nominee held?
Belinda has been recognized by many organizations for her outstanding community and industry efforts:
1990 – Tow Woman of the Year Towing and Recovery Professionals of North Carolina
1990 – WTRAA Tow Woman of the Year
1996 – WTRAA President’s Award
2005 – Towing and Recovery Professionals of North Carolina Legislative Award for Outstanding Service
2013 – Goodwill Industries Recognition for Community Service 2016 – WTRAA President’s Award for Excellence
2016 – TRAA President’s Award